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Workshops, training, conferences

September 2011 - UNFCCC Expert Meeting on National Adaptation Plans

Mr.Suppakorn Chinvanno had represented SEA START RC in attending UNFCCC expert meeting on national adaptation plan.

September 2011 - UNFCCC Expert Meeting on National Adaptation Plans - Read More…

August 2011 - International Training on Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Climate Change Knowledge Management Center (CCKM), Chulalongkorn University, under support from Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had organized an international training course on climate change adaptation planning .

August 2011 - International Training on Climate Change Adaptation Planning - Read More…

July 2011 - Workshop on Development of Future Scenarios of Quy Nhon City - Vietnam

SEA START RC in partnership with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI Asia), National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies (NISTPASS), TBWA Thailand, Vietnam Forum of Environmental Journalists (VFEJ) under support from UNEP Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, Asia-Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) with collaboration with the Climate Change Coordination Office (CCCO) of Quy Nhon City, had jointly organized a workshop on “Development of Future Scenarios of Quy Nhon City”with local stakeholders and journalists of Vietnam.

July 2011 - Workshop on Development of Future Scenarios of Quy Nhon City - Vietnam - Read More…

June 2011 - Mission to Survey Potential Collaboration between Mongolia and Thailand

SEA START RC had joined the mission, which was organized by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to Mongolia to discuss potential on future collaboration.

June 2011 - Mission to Survey Potential Collaboration between Mongolia and Thailand - Read More…

May 2011 - South Asia Media Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) / Adaptation Knowledge Platform / Asia-Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) / Asia-Pacific Mountain Network (APMN) had jointly organized a workshop for journalist from various countries in South Asia on the subject of adaptation to climate change.

May 2011 - South Asia Media Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change - Read More…

December 2010-Training Course on Integrated Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Mainstreaming of Climate Change (CC) Considerations into Development Plans

SEA START RC assisted a training/workshop on integrated approaches to climate change adaptation (CCA) and mainstreaming of climate change (CC) considerations into development plans,which was organized by WWF Greater Mekong Program and WWF Vietnam for the WWF representatives in Southeast Asia region and government officials in Vietnam.

December 2010-Training Course on Integrated Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Mainstreaming of Climate Change (CC) Considerations into Development Plans - Read More…

October 2010 - Meeting on the Study of Impact of Future Climate Change and Climate Variability and Adaptation of Key Sectors.

SEA START RC held a meeting for government agencies, academic, NGOs and the public sector to present outcome of the study of future climate change impact, vulnerability and sectors adaptation.

October 2010 - Meeting on the Study of Impact of Future Climate Change and Climate Variability and Adaptation of Key Sectors. - Read More…

October 2010 - Workshop on Future Scenarios of Chiang Khan District in 2580 B.E.

SEA START RC, in partnership with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Chiang Khan Municipality, jointly organized a workshop on long term scenario development for Chieng Khan.

October 2010 - Workshop on Future Scenarios of Chiang Khan District in 2580 B.E. - Read More…

October 2010 - Workshop on Assessing Community Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in Central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta.

SEA START RC, together with Nong Lam University and Can Tho University, held a workshop to review and discuss outcomes of an assessment of community livelihood and vulnerability to climate change impacts in central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta.

October 2010 - Workshop on Assessing Community Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in Central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta. - Read More…

September 2010 - Workshop on Hydro - Agronomic – Economic (HAE) Model for Mekong River Basin and Local Adaptation in Thailand.

SEA START RC and Mott-MacDonald jointly organized a workshop to introduce the Hydro - Agronomic – Economic (HAE) Model; a planning tool for climate change impact assessment and adaptation, developed for Department of Water Resource under support from The World Bank.

September 2010 - Workshop on Hydro - Agronomic – Economic (HAE) Model for Mekong River Basin and Local Adaptation in Thailand. - Read More…

August 2010 - Workshop on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities

SEA START RC held a workshop on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities to share experiences, lessons learned and information relevant to climate change risk assessment in Asian coastal megacities, and to identify potential future opportunities for research and regional cooperation

August 2010 - Workshop on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities - Read More…

June 2010 - Workshop on Community Capacity Building to Cope with Climate Change Risk

SEA START RC conducted a workshop on community capacity building to cope with climate change risk with civil society, NGOs, various development agencies, academics and government officials.

June 2010 - Workshop on Community Capacity Building to Cope with Climate Change Risk - Read More…

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