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December 2010-Training Course on Integrated Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Mainstreaming of Climate Change (CC) Considerations into Development Plans

SEA START RC assisted a training/workshop on integrated approaches to climate change adaptation (CCA) and mainstreaming of climate change (CC) considerations into development plans,which was organized by WWF Greater Mekong Program and WWF Vietnam for the WWF representatives in Southeast Asia region and government officials in Vietnam.

Event details


Dec 06, 2010 02:00 PM to
Dec 08, 2010 10:00 PM

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Date: 6-8 December 2010 
Place : Hanoi, Vietnam

Detail : SEA START RC had participated in a training/workshop on integrated approaches to climate change adaptation (CCA) and mainstreaming of climate change (CC) considerations into development plans, which was organized by WWF Greater Mekong Program and WWF Vietnam for the WWF representatives in Southeast Asia region and government officials in Vietnam. The training workshop covered key climate change concepts and integrated approaches to adaptation as follows:

  • Projected climate impacts on landscapes, plant and animal species (including crops), and communities in the Mekong region, as well as uncertainty associated with these predicted impacts;
  • Implications of climate change on conservation and development goals;
  • How adaptation differs and what it has in common with current conservation work and the implications of climate change on conservation and development work;
  • What is a vulnerability assessment and how to use one in your work;
  • How to integrate CCA into existing provincial (socio-) economic development plans.

SEA START RC covered one session in this training on the topic "Reflection on climate change adaptation: concern on the context". 

Download : Presentation1 [2.29 MB .pdf format ]

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