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June 2010 - Workshop on Community Capacity Building to Cope with Climate Change Risk

SEA START RC conducted a workshop on community capacity building to cope with climate change risk with civil society, NGOs, various development agencies, academics and government officials.

Event details


Jun 26, 2010
from 01:00 PM to 10:00 PM

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Date: 26 June 2010
Place : Bangkok, Thailand
Detail : SEA START RC conducted a workshop on community capacity building to cope with climate change risk with civil society, NGOs, various development agencies, academics and government officials. This workshop dealt with gaps in the community to cope with climate related risks and recommendation on policies towards community capacity building. The workshop focused on reviewing risk and lack of coping capacity to climate change impact in agricultural-based communities, coastal zone communities and rural urban areas. The outcomes of the workshop was used as principle information to prepare report on Building Community Capacity to Cope with Climate Risk for National Economic and Social Development Board.


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