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Hydro - Agronomic - Economic Model for Mekong River Basin and Local Adaptation in Thailand Model Development

The Hydrologic-Agricultural-Economic Model developed under this project will be a hydrological model of the river systems integrated with agricultural and economic models to permit assessment of climate change impacts under different future scenarios, and to assist in identifying and evaluating adaptation strategies.

Hydro - Agronomic - Economic Model for Mekong River Basin and Local Adaptation in Thailand Model Development - Read More…

Building Research Capacity on Assessing Community Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in Central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta

Activities included a series of training sessions and workshops for selected researchers from Research Institute for Climate Change of Can Tho University (DRAGON-Institute-Mekong) and Research Centre for Climate Change (RCCC) of Nong Lam University. These workshops focused on local climate change risk assessment through the analysis of regional climate scenarios on local context of community risk under climate influence.

Building Research Capacity on Assessing Community Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in Central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta - Read More…

Study on Master Plan to Cope with Global Climate Change and Fluctuation of Energy Price and World Food Crisis

This project was conducted by Chulalongkorn University for National Economic and Social Development Board and SEA START RC had jointly conducted study on future crops productivity under different cropping pattern scenarios and influence of climate change. Moreover, SEA START RC also conducted study on building capacity for community to cope with climate risk. Read More

Study on Master Plan to Cope with Global Climate Change and Fluctuation of Energy Price and World Food Crisis - Read More…

Preparation of Climate Change Scenarios for Climate Change Impact Assessment in Thailand

This project focused on: Synthesize climate change trends in Thailand from available climate scenarios ; Review existing state of knowledge on climate change impacts and risks in Thailand; Summarize climate scenario data in an easy-to-use format which was made available for further studies on climate change impacts ; Establish a mechanism to disseminate data and information to support climate change studies and assessments on the impact of climate change in Thailand.

Preparation of Climate Change Scenarios for Climate Change Impact Assessment in Thailand - Read More…

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities

The workshop clarified the current information/knowledge gaps and challenges, and identified future research opportunities for addressing climate change related risks and vulnerability assessments in Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Manila and Mumbai.

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Urban Development Planning for Asian Coastal Cities - Read More…

Analysis of Climate Impacts and Community Adaptation on Land use and Natural Resources Management in Mae Hong Sorn

This project aimed to address security of land-use by farmers and prevent overuse of natural resources in agricultural production and forest encroachment, thereby reducing vulnerability to natural disasters .

Analysis of Climate Impacts and Community Adaptation on Land use and Natural Resources Management in Mae Hong Sorn - Read More…

Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: Diagnosis and Recommendations for Adaptation

This Project focused on analyzing some of the main issues related to climate change adaptation in two areas; Tonle Sap area of Cambodia and The Mekong Delta of Vietnam.

Water and Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: Diagnosis and Recommendations for Adaptation - Read More…

Climate Change impacts in Krabi Province, Thailand

The study’s principal goals were to build capacity for adaptation options that build climate change resilient systems, and to integrate climate risk management into development strategies. The study aimed to improve current knowledge about climate change and its potential impacts on local people’s lives, natural resources and the ecosystem services they provide.

Climate Change impacts in Krabi Province, Thailand - Read More…

Simulating Future Climate Scenarios for Thailand and Surrounding Countries

This project focused on Studying climate change trends in Thailand and surrounding countries using high resolution climate data model. Studying software accuracy for simulation of future climate by comparinge observed data with model result in baseline period. To create guideline to adjust statistical rescale and conditions to calculate for future software.

Simulating Future Climate Scenarios for Thailand and Surrounding Countries - Read More…

Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation (ACCCA)

This project executed pilot actions to assess knowledge about climate change risks and adaptation options that were directly relevant to decision-making needs of the stakeholders.

Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation (ACCCA) - Read More…

Assessment of Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change in Multiple Sectors and Multiple Regions (AIACC): Regional Study AS07 - Southeast Asia Regional Vulnerability to Changing Water Resources and Extreme Hydrological due to Climate Change

The focus of this regional study was to: Assess the different water related aspects or issues in the Mekong River basin under different combinations of climate scenarios and regional land cover schemes. Identify which community, social and economic sectors in the study area would be affected by changing water resources. Identify and evaluate adaptation options for affected sector in each country in the Mekong River Basin.

Assessment of Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change in Multiple Sectors and Multiple Regions (AIACC): Regional Study AS07 - Southeast Asia Regional Vulnerability to Changing Water Resources and Extreme Hydrological due to Climate Change - Read More…

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