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Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation (ACCCA)

This project executed pilot actions to assess knowledge about climate change risks and adaptation options that were directly relevant to decision-making needs of the stakeholders.


Funding source: United nations institute for training and research (UNITAR)
Principal investigator: Assistant Professor Dr.Anond Snidwongs
Partners: European Commission (EC) ant the UK Department of Environment ,Food and Rural Affairs(DEFRA)
Researchers: Suppakorn Chinvanno
Timeframe: November 2006 - July 2008
Period: 20 months
Status: Completed
See also:

The ACCCA project was jointly implemented by UNITAR, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the international START Secretariat, and other institutions in Africa and Asia. Monitoring teams jointly provided implementation assistance to every pilot action.The ACCCA project draws on lessons learned about communicating climate risk information in clear terms that are relevant to decision-makers; addressing climate risks and adaptation in an integrated, multidisciplinary way; the importance of engaging stakeholders substantively; and the long-term benefits of partnering institutions from scientific and policy communities for understanding and managing climate change risks.

The project's objectives, methods and activities have been developed through dialogues among the EC, the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), and the partner organizations involved in the project. These dialogues have helped focus project activities specifically upon building capacity, engaging civil society, and implementing pilot actions related to the UNFCCC and other multilateral environmental agreements. SEA START RC coordinated the pilot projects in Asia namely:

  1. NEPAL - Application of Community Based Adaptation Measures to Weather Related Disasters (WRDs) in Nepal
  2. INDIA - Promoting Integration of Adaptation Strategies into Developmental Policies by Effectively Communicating Climate Risks and Adaptation Measures in India (Bundelkhand region)
  3. PHILIPINES - Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Watershed Management and Upland Farming in the Philippines
  4. MONGOLIA - Policy Framework for Adaptation Strategies for the Mongolian Rangelands to Climate Change at Multiple Scales
  5. BANGLADESH - Participatory Climate Risk Assessment and Development of Local Adaptation Action Plans in Bangladesh

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