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- 20 - Climate Risk Group - Climate condition under CO2 = 540 ppm (normal & extreme condition) 100% 5.66 6.29 13.64 14.88 10.06 22.92 12.58 25.00 30.36 37.06 80% % of Surveyed household 22.32 27.27 28.10 30.21 High Risk 50.41 60% Moderate Risk 53.41 40.63 39.86 38.84 35.42 43.75 42.05 39.29 Low risk 32.87 40% 84.28 81.13 20% 36.46 34.38 34.71 33.06 32.87 Thailand Zone 1 (extreme) Thailand Zone 2 (normal) Thailand Zone 2 (extreme) Thailand Zone 3 (normal) 30.07 33.93 30.36 32.95 32.95 Thailand Zone 4 (extreme) Thailand Zone 5 (normal) Thailand Zone 5 (extreme) 0% Lao PDR (normal) Lao PDR (extreme) Thailand Zone 1 (normal) Thailand Zone 3 (extreme) Thailand Zone 4 (normal) Figure 11: Risk groups under impact of climate change – Climate condition under CO2 = 540 ppm When compare to the baseline condition, the impact of climate change under normal condition would cause almost one-fifth of the population in Lao PDR to be vulnerable and more than half of the population would be vulnerable under the influence of future extreme climate event coupled with climate change impact.

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