Study on Master Plan to Cope with Global Climate Change and Fluctuation of Energy Price and World Food Crisis
Funding source: National Economic and Social Development Board
Principal investigator : : Dr.Kitti Limsakul (Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University)
Researchers: Suppakorn Chinvanno
Timeframe: October 2009 – December 2010
Period: 14 Months
Status: Completed
This project was conducted by Chulalongkorn University for National Economic and Social Development Board and SEA START RC had jointly conducted study on future crops productivity under different cropping pattern scenarios and influence of climate change. Moreover, SEA START RC also conducted study on building capacity for community to cope with climate risk.
Acitivity: Workshop on Community Capacity Building to Cope with Climate Change Risk
Document : Study on Master plan to Cope with Global Climate Change and Fluctuation of Energy Price and World